Monday, March 31, 2008

Things I've Lost Count of This Season...

1. the number of times it's snowed
2. the number of times we've been to the doctor
3. the number of times we've been to the hospital
4. how many times someone in this household has been sick
5. how many times I've been to Walgreen's
6. how many boxes of tissues we've gone through
7. how many boxes of tea we've gone through
8. how many times people have asked if we're all healthy yet
9. how many times I've thought "we're finally all healthy"
10. how many times I felt like I was fighting off getting sick myself....only to have finally succumbed

Please, please, please let this be the end of it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh oh! Does this mean you are sick now? We had a huge change in the weather today: I woke up to pea soup fog. Then we had a great thunderstorm. It has been muggy and in the 60s all day. And now the wind is blowing like crazy.
I hope you are feeling better by now. Hugs to you Mom.

flyingwaffle said...

Have you checked out the book Superimmunity for Kids? It's good stuff! I've taken some of their advice (you've already heard my love of cod liver oil and flaxseed oil) and feel like since then we've managed to hold colds at bay (some stuffy noses, but nothing full blown), which seemed impossible since the babysitter's kids always seem to be sick and I'm surrounded by unhealthy college students and Don is subjected to lots of germs from the general public every day.

I hope the spring shapes up to be beautiful, mild, and illness free!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Lots and lots and lots and lots (one "lots" for each of you) of good health and good luck to you all. We know all too well how all of that goes, believe me. (Though perhaps all of that will change, once we've read the book Ellen mentioned?) And if Spring can be sprung in Strasbourg, then its got to be possible for Chicago. Seriously!