Friday, July 11, 2008

Lowes and Chagall

Here's a cute picture from our trip to Lowe's yesterday. Pardon the quality-I took it with my phone. We were there to buy a steam vac. I'm really glad I didn't have to push that big unwieldy thing around just to pick up some lightbulbs.
This morning we took a trip to Starbucks (really- I have to quit!!!) . Clara was on the floor in her carseat because I didn't have the carseat stroller with me. Then a woman came in and started talking to her. She said "you know, you're the reason Mommy needs coffee".
After fueling up, we went to the Children's museum. We had two purposes for going today. Three actually, if you count the weather. First- I wanted to talk to Henry a little bit and get him prepared for Children's museum camp next week. Second- we wanted to check out the new temporary Chagall exhibit. It was very cool. Jenny Y.- I thought of you.
Here Henry got to make his own American Windows.
Clara enjoyed looking about.
In this one you were able to make your own flower arrangements. This would have been infinitely cooler with real flowers, but it was still fun.
And here he got to become a part of the painting. There was a video screen so he could see himself.
This went with a painting of a violinist with a green face. It took a picture of your face and then you could "paint" it with different colors. It was cool, but actually ended up looking a little creepy. Still, I wish there had been a way to print it out.
Finally, the art project was making "stained glass" with clear contact paper and colored tissue paper. I wish they'd do more art-based exhibits like this! I loved it, and I think Henry really enjoyed it too!

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