Saturday, July 12, 2008

Motein (rhymes with protein)

Henry made up a new food on the way home from dinner out tonight. He calls it Motein and described it as a fruit, which looks like a big red balloon with blue frosting on the back.
Here's a little interview we had when we got home:

Me: Tell me about Motein.

Henry: M- 'mot-t' and T and E and Motein and another E, then it's done. That means it's done.

Me: What is Motein?

Henry: Motein is a kind of food.

Me: What's it made of?

Henry: Frosting. It's made of meat. It's made of macaroni and cheese and mayonnaise.

Me: Where can you find Motein?

Henry: It's way in the back of our 'fridgerator.

Me: How do you know about it?

Henry: I just do.

Me: What else do you want to tell me about Motein?

Henry: Nothing else. Now it's done.

Me: Nothing else?

Henry: Nope. That's all about motein. It takes a little short time, like five minutes.

Me: How do you know about motein?

Henry: I just do. Now it's done.

Me: Does somebody make it?

Henry: Yeah. All kids and moms. But dads don't make it.

Me: What does Motein look like?

Henry: It looks like a balloon, except it's big like this. (gestures to the size of a balloon) This big.

Me: What color is it?

Henry: It's the part that you eat first is kind of red. It's red. Now it's done.

At this point in the interview Henry decided he was really done and he went outside to play baseball with his dad.


Anonymous said...

I'd send a specimen of that "motein" to Sandy and have her examine it in the food lab!

flyingwaffle said...

Sounds lovely. How do I get me some motein?