Sunday, February 26, 2006


I may have complained about our early start time, but it is a nice feeling to have already completed the race and had breakfast and be home by 10AM! Now we have the rest of the day to make celebratory brownies and cookies to take in to school tomorrow. Actually, the treats were to announce the sale of our condo, but they can be for the Hustle too.

Here's the documentation of the event....pre-hustle:

With the Greenbriar girls....

Me coming out at the end, mildly dazed, a minute or two behind Kristy and Colleen....

All of us at the top, still smiling!!

And, finally, Henry enjoying the view....

Thanks, again, to everyone who gave their support and donations! I actually had some fun! Kristy and I are already considering trying the full climb next year......but don't hold me to that.


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Good job. What the heck is that cute little guy doing wearing a Northwestern sweatshirt?

Anonymous said...

Henry enjoys rooting for the 'Cats AND the Hawks - since he loves both his grandpas equally....

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't know his Herr grandpa was a Northwestern grad. sorry