Monday, October 02, 2006

Pictures of things

First things first: Happy yesterday Birthday to Sandy! She celebrated by running another marathon (crazy!) and then asked me to remind her that she is sticking with half-marathons from now on. Really. She's serious this time. Anyway, it sounded like she was having a fun celebration, and I am envious of the chocolate cake...

So, here are some pictures of things. This is some veggie sushi I made for a social gathering the other night. It turned out pretty well! Took me a few tries to get the hang of getting the veggies in the middle of the roll. Also note the cute bamboo tray I bought myself for the occasion.
Here's a pretty pumpkin that was growing at the Botanic Garden the other day. I'm looking forward to buying some pumpkins and gourds for the house! I'm also trying to decide if I want to post photos of Henry in his Halloween costume before Oct. 31st.

Yesterday I arranged my plants around the house. They had been mostly ignored on the porch all summer. It's nice to have them inside, and in easier watering range.

Amber and Jenny both recently posted shots of things or parts of their house that they feel especially fond of. Here's one of mine. My new lavender walls, with a step ladder scavenged from an alley. Two ducks I bought myself when we moved into the condo, a rattly clay heart Pete and I bought in San Antonio, and a happy little plant. If my whole house looked this tidy and put-together I would be delighted.


amber c. said...

yumba on the sushi! looks delish. can we know what types of veggies? carrots or sweet potatoes? avocado? also, i vote for no on the preview of costume. i want to be surprised on the big day!

Anonymous said...

Hey...I second Amber's vote of no on the early costume reveal. I know you can't wait because I'm sure he is adorable.