Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Toddler and Baby News

Pete and I spent last Thursday through last night feeling pretty anxious because our midwife thought that this baby might be breech. We were very pleased to learn from an ultrasound last night that the baby is in the vertex position. No need for an external version like we had to have with Henry! The ultrasound tech also took measurements to estimate the size of the baby. She thinks it's 6 or 7 lbs. right now. It will gain a half to a full pound a week from here on out. So it's likely not going to be any small baby. No surprise, that. However, Kathy (our midwife) also thinks (from certain indicators) that the baby is more likely to come early than late. But one just never knows. I'll probably teach Pete to update the blog so that when the baby comes you can see some immediate photos.
Henry did tell us at one point that he thought the baby was coming before Christmas. Our official due date is December 31st. We could use the tax break at this point. And I'd like to see the baby in the cute little holiday socks that Aunt Joyce couldn't help but buy us.
Henry has also been helping prepare us by throwing everything at us that he possibly can. He had the never-ending cold a few months ago. That wrapped up with ear and eye infections. After Thanksgiving he developed another cold, which didn't last too long, but spurned some vomiting on Friday night. Sunday night he decided to try out a body rash. All of that on top of a new, but serious, separation anxiety any time we drop him off at pre-school, has really made for some fun times. Oh, and today when I picked him up he had not only cried for the first couple hours, he also grabbed another kid because he didn't want him playing with the red dinosaur. I don't quite know what to do with all of that. He loved the place for the first few months! He likes his teacher and we talk about all the other "happy parts" like singing and playing with the toys. We've read The Kissing Hand and he takes his blankie and Dory. I even tried a sticker chart to 'encourage' him to cheer himself up. Any other tips?


Anonymous said...

yay for rightside up, or rather, upside down!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Mmmm... You know... It sounds like it might not be pre-school that's scaring him, but maybe all of the changes he can see & feel coming...
And as for sick days, boy-oh-boy do I know what you're talking about. Some days, I wonder if we'll make it through this winter at all?!
I'm really looking forward to our quick peek at you and yours - just a few days from now! Here's to slightly early birthing! hee! hee! Or to helping you tie your shoes, or something, if the early birthing ain't quite early enough!