Monday, February 04, 2008

Possum! (updated)

*Update: I didn't get the video up right away. Some of y'all are too darn quick! Also- I wanted to mention that I love, in this photo, how the possum's little pink nose matches Clara's pink sweater.

I can post later about the weekend with my brothers in town. I wanted to get this post up first, though. Tonight, while changing Clara, we had a wildlife encounter.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....I was right! Remember when I was there and said I saw Franklin grab a possum and then chase it under the potting bench?
I love the photo of peaceful little Clara with that possum guy looking back at her.

Anonymous said...

Eeek. I know this is horrible, but I really don't like those things. However, a little tidbit of of trivia - they are supposedly one of the few mammals that has been around since the dinosaurs. I'm sorry I missed it!