Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Status Update

Some of you have been known to suggest that I don't keep up with my blog or other communication as much now that I'm on facebook, so for those of you who are not my friends on facebook, here are some things I might write as a status update:

Betsy Decker... trying hard not to laugh as her daughter alternately tries to stick the Lego up her nose and in her mouth, all with a sly smile as if to say "I'm not doing anything wrong, Mom".

...wonders if that red-tailed hawk circling in the backyard might try to take off with her dachshund.

...would really like to stay home for a while.

...finds this to be lovely line-drying weather. in a little bit of a tizzy over all of the changes happening at Greenbriar this year...and now a new principal too!?!??!

...wants to go to the pool, but never wants to shave her legs ever again.

...could have really used that nap today.

....hears the push-up pops in the freezer calling her name. still finding confetti hearts and pink boa feathers around the floor.

...wonders if taking the kids to the pool might substitute for baths.

...wishes Louvrewet were a word so that she could get a needed Scrabble in her game.

1 comment:

amber c. said...

new principal? what's going on?