Saturday, September 08, 2007

Go Hawks!

Here are a few photos from last weekend's game at Soldier Field. The Hawks beat the Huskies, even though their perfomance wasn't always impressive. In this photo Pete and I are trying to look cute while Mom tries to make sure that the people behind us don't spill more beer on our heads.
Here I am outside before the game. This photo does no justice to the swarm of black and gold that overtook Chicago. Do you see any red shirts? Neither do I.
This is a weird picture, but it captures Henry's continued joy at spending time with his cousin...who knows how to dress for game day.
Hawks play again tonight at 7PM against Syracuse. It's a t.v. game, but it looks like we wouldn't be able to get it here anyway. Yes, that is a maternity Iowa shirt....I'll be wearing it a lot this fall.

1 comment:

Carrie and Rob said...

The Hawks looked slightly better this week. It was a blast for the night game. Dave and I tailgated with some Miller High Life. GO HAWKS.