Saturday, January 12, 2008

Henry answers Sofia

This video ends abruptly because I cut it off at the point where Henry became obnoxious.
Maybe I should have left it, as a good representation of Henry right now....mostly sweet with periods of highly obnoxious.


Beehave said...

Thank you for answering our pressing questions. We know that you are busy and we really appreciate it. Sofia likes carrots, too. She also likes princesses and running and food. She is not a morning person (despite her waking me at 5 am with the announcement that it was time to get up). Her favorite book this week is Angelina Ballerina. She also likes yellow. Yellow is her favorite, meaning no one else can like it.

Her jobs are to play, to get along with people, and to set the table.

amber c. said...

we request an oboxious clip, please.