Monday, January 28, 2008


I've noticed something about myself. If I get up and shower by 8AM I have a much more productive day than if, say, I don't. It also helps when Henry is playing somewhere else for the day. Not that I don't love to spend the day with the little's just that I get distracted by all the playing.
Today I showered at about 7:52. Here's what I've accomplished so far:
-Took Clara to Starbucks...which doesn't sound super productive until I tell you that I wrote about half a dozen thank you notes, made a new cleaning schedule for myself and thought about what I needed at the grocery while I drank my mocha.
-Went to Whole Foods. Clara's first trip there out of the womb, and we successfully skirted the temptations of the baby products and toys isle.
-Got most of the groceries put away.
-Put dinner together (was going to be a crock pot dinner, but I think I need a larger crock pot). Bonus: dinner used apples, sweet potatoes and sauerkraut that were in the house needing to be used up.
-Two loads of laundry.
-Watered plants and threw out dead flowers.

Okay, so there are still several things on my list- including writing to the pediatrician's office to get records transferred (Pete- don't let me forget!), vacuuming and further bedroom cleaning (bedroom is the cleaning task for Mondays- as per my new plan). But even if I don't get those things done I'll still feel pretty accomplished for the day.
Now, here are some photos:
Clara and I got all dressed up for a baby shower on Friday. We didn't want her to steal the spotlight from the parents-to-be that the shower was for, but a girl's gotta look good. And she did.
This is not a great picture, but it illustrates two important events from the party: 1) I can't go anywhere without leaking breast milk, even with the new super duper breast pads that Carrie bought me. Oy. Embarrassment for a good cause. 2) My first time playing Wii! I was pretty good at bowling, not so much at tennis. Matt (pictured) was very patient with me.
This is a picture that Pete seems to have taken yesterday morning out our back door. I just found it on the camera when I uploaded the photos. Pretty!
And here's Clara in a case of tummy-time turns to tired-time. I also like to call this picture "Camouflage Clara".


amber c. said...

that honeychild is a doll! and you had a VERY productive morning! much more so than my tummy-bearing workday!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

So... If I have another set of twins (and if I tote them to Starbucks and get a bigger crockpot), I'm going to be SUPER-productive, eh? Okay, I'm sold. Betsy: you are a WonderWoman. And I LOVE the camouflage your baby's sportin'. Also... I'd LOVE to have your address...?? hee! hee!

Anonymous said...

I can't even see Clara in that last pic....between the cows and the frogs! Very cute.

flyingwaffle said...

I wish I was so productive! Do you give classes on that? You look great, and Clara is just getting cuter by the minute!!