Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One Week Ago Today...

A week ago last night Pete said to me "let's go into labor tonight". I said "ideally, I'd like to get a good night's sleep, go into labor around 5 in the morning and have the baby during the day". 5:15 the next morning my contractions started. A little after 6:00 Henry was lying in bed with me and I sent him in to tell his Papa that he might be staying home that day. I got up and ate a little breakfast. At 7:00 we called the midwife. She said to check back in in a couple hours. I showered, made sure I had everything in my bag, and kept going into poses kind of like this:
At 8AM I asked Pete to call the midwife back, my contractions were feeling pretty serious and I was fighting getting sick with each one. She told us to come on in. Pete packed up the car, Mom included a few key items, I tried to get my boots on and gave Henry big hugs and kisses. We left the house at 8:40. It was rush hour and raining hard. Two factors we hadn't considered. I was having contractions so intense that anyone glancing over from another car wouldn't have any doubts about what was going on in our car. Somewhere on Willow road I became very thankful that Mom had packed the last couple things into the car...a large yogurt container (with a lid) and a wet washcloth. I lost all of my breakfast.
We pulled up to the front entrance of Evanston Northwestern a little after 9AM. We had forgotten that you could pull right up to the Women's Hospital entrance, which would have saved me the long hallway trip in the wheelchair. I was pushed by a very friendly security guy who wouldn't stop talking about his own four kids. When he pushed me up to the labor and delivery desk he shouted "ladies- we're havin' a baby!" I felt badly that I wasn't able to thank him.
They put us in a room and asked me to put the gown on and left us alone. We were able to get my boots and pants off, but by then I was feeling different- I told Pete to go get someone. He shouted into the hallway "I think we're having a baby in here?!?" and a nurse came in. At that point they checked me and I was dilated to 5 1/2 cm. The midwife wasn't there yet. The contractions were so hard and fast that I told Pete I thought I wanted to do an epidural. I hardly had the energy to put into feeling guilty about it. They started trying to put an IV in me (unsuccessfully) and I kept trying to cope with the contractions for about 10 minutes. At this point I was unable to open my eyes anymore, but I heard the midwife come in. "Kathy- I think I want the epidural!" I said. She said okay, and then checked me only to find out I was at 10 cm. She said "Betsy- we're going to start pushing. This baby's coming in about 15 minutes." There was much noise and fuss (on my part) and I guess my elbow kept bumping the controls on the bed- causing the t.v. to turn on and off and the foot of the bed to raise and lower. Pete was very good about wiping my sweaty face with a cold washcloth and otherwise being supportive. He estimates that I pushed about seven times. At 10:00 AM on the dot, my baby was born. Pete shouted "it's a girl!" as she was placed on my chest. and we both gazed at Clara with tears and wonder. And now she's a whole week old!


Anonymous said...

Okay....so now I have tears in MY eyes. What an exciting story. Probably much better to read than to experience....except for the beautiful ending of course. Happy 1 week birthday beautiful little Clara!

Beehave said...

Clara is a beauty. Thank you for sharing your birth story us. We are glad to know that it went as well as it did.
samantha and sofia
ps. we just purchased a new camera, so a video for Henry should be out soon.

flyingwaffle said...

I'm so fighting back the tears! You guys are champs! Congratulations on your first week Clara!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Betsy, Pete, Henry and Clara, I laughed and I cried when I read this post! Congratulations to all of you on Clara's arrival. From here on in it'll be easy. Honest.

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Oh my golly - I loved this post. Read it with welling-up eyes and a curly smile. More congratulations to all of you!