Tuesday, May 05, 2009


We recently had a quite exciting game of hide-and-seek. Henry discovered that the toy box is a good place to hide, and now Clara likes to get in there with him. Where are all the toys, you ask? All over the floor, of course.
The weather this weekend was awesome, so we spent quite a bit of time outdoors. Mom decided Saturday morning that she had to come visit the kids, so here's Henry making a picture for her.
"Fowr Gramy"
When Mom arrived it was with gifts....a new dress and some pretty barrettes for Clara...
...the fashion plate.
And then Mom took some corny pictures of us working. I had to wear my rain boots (or gumboots, as Sharon calls them) because the ground was still very muddy from all of the recent rain.
Henry got a new shirt too. And he had a chance to utilize his new wheelbarrow. This summer I will weed my garden!
Not my lawn though. I love my lawn when it's covered with violets and dandelions. I feel like I'm Laura Ingalls.

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