Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Divine Intervention

We buried St. Joseph today. This was not a custom I had heard of before. I guess that Joseph is the patron saint of home selling. You're supposed to bury him with his feet pointing heavenward and facing where you want your new home to be. You are also to say a prayer asking him to use his holy influence with the lord. I forgot to take a photo of him before we buried him, and I thought maybe it would be bad luck to dig him out again. Here he is....you can see his little base sticking out of the dirt. Here, also is a photo of what he looks like (artist's rendering) and a copy of the prayer that we said...it was a long prayer.
Henry mostly just listened. He did give St. Joseph his blessing though, he held him and banged him on the table a little bit. Is it inappropriate for me to say a baby gave a saint his blessing? Hm. True story: a half hour after we said the prayer and buried St. Joseph we got a phone call for a last-minute showing tonight! We took the excuse to go have dinner at Dave's. No word yet on the showing...


amber c. said...

truth is stranger than fiction. that's awesome. i love your blog. it makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

joyce told me about the moldy bottle post and i just had to check it out! but my comment is really about st. joseph. as the life-long card-carrying (okay, there's really no card) catholic in the family, i'm pretty disappointed in myself for not having been the one to tell you about this. i will say that every time i've lost something and prayed to st. anthony to help me find it, it's been located very shortly thereafter. so maybe upside-down buried statue + prayer + "blessing" from henry = house-selling success!