Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Scrabble Sadness

After reading Amber's entry last night about Scrabble I really needed a Scrabble fix. Pete actually said he would play an ENTIRE game with me, but then we remembered that Scrabble is already packed. Why didn't we at least keep Travel Scrabble out??? So sad. I did do some knitting, though. So that was good.
Today has been productive as to Target and the grocery. Returned a phone call I've been putting off for a while. Called Merry Maids to set up a consultation....we're going to have them come before our next open house. Also fed, diapered and napped the baby. Even got a shower in for myself!! Feeling good about myself.
There's a very pathetic couple on Clean Sweep right now...they're motivating me to find some stuff of my own to throw away. A project for tonight! I'll add it to the list.
The baby is doing his new scream. Guess I need to pay him some attention.

1 comment:

amber c. said...

any knitting progress photos?