Sunday, April 23, 2006

Busy Day

Henry decided that we needed to get up at 6AM today, so we made the most of it. We were to the grocery, the bakery, and back home by 9:30. We spent some time with the newspaper and our coffee. It's our second week with the Sunday Tribune, and it makes for a nice weekend. Then we went furniture shopping! We bought 4 pieces for our new living room....a sofa, two chairs and an ottoman. SO EXCITED!!! Here's a photo of the two chairs, or some very like them. The one with the ottoman is actually covered in a thin-striped fabric with reds, purples, greens, taupes. The small chair swivels and is covered in a soft sage green. The couch is a micro-suede (I know, it's not our favorite, but with boy, cat and dog, it's very practical) and it's sort of a dark taupe.
After the furniture shopping we came home and I made an early dinner so Pete could go play with his new band. I'm following the recipes in the new Everyday Food...the cover article was "Shop Smart, 1 bag, 5 dinners" we bought all of the groceries and made recipe #1 today. Salmon with lemon relish, which is really more like raisin relish. It was fancier than what I usually make, but easy enough and pretty. It tasted pretty good! Next time I'll ease up on the parsley and make sure I don't overdo the pine nuts.

The final picture is actually from yesterday. Henry's friend Jonah came over for a bit. His parents were nice enough to give us their old patio furniture. Thanks guys!! Henry and Jonah hadn't seen each other since before Henry was walking. They had a pretty good time talking about their dogs, bubbles and the baseball. Henry also showed Jonah his new birdfeeder, which was a housewarming gift from my work friend, Janice. Those are two handsome boys!!


Anonymous said...

that salmon looks delish! excellent furniture choices! love the productive sunday mornings myself! -ac (my password won't work on my mom's pc)

Anonymous said...

also. where did you get the furniture? i love both chairs! -ac

W.F. Decker said...

Henry's wearing "Jesus boots!"

Anything with raisins is a winner with me!!

Betsy said...

We got the furniture at Carson's. A little unclear on when it will be arriving.
THe salmon was pretty of the other dishes to come soon!
Dad-Pete calls them "Air Messiahs".