Monday, April 17, 2006

Girlie on my case

Amber's getting on my case about my blog growing stale. So, even though I should be checking 2nd grade papers, I guess I'll post a few things. Also- trying out a new title. Felt like it was time for a change.
So, last week we had some really nice weather and Henry and I tried to spend as much of our time outside as we could. Here he is trying out his toes in the grass.
We also went to the library and I got my new card. It's a very nice library, with a wonderful, wide open and bright children's section. I wouldn't disparage Evanston's library, which I love, but the board books at Northbrook's library are organized! Here's a photo of our spoils...

And, finally, anybody know what this plant is?


Anonymous said...

Looks like either a Pineapple or a Bird of Paradise, but unless you've really moved to Hawaii instead of Northbrook, I'm afraid it must be something else. Wait a minute...maybe some kind of lily?

amber c. said...

yay! love the title and also spoils. have been meaning to read "garlic and sapphires." perhaps i'll steal ellen's copy when we visit portland! no idea on the plant. i'll see if jeri knows – she is a master gardener!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, As always, love to catch up on Henry and your blog. I have been reading taylor's guide to landscaping (from the lirbary). It is a huge hardcover book with lots of great photos and ideas. Thought it may be of interest.