Tuesday, April 04, 2006

more pictures...

Here's Henry taking his first nap in his new room. He's hard to see, because I didn't want to get too close and wake him up. Yes, he was wearing his hat and coat. Sometime's he's still sleeping when we bring him in from the car, so we just let him sleep that way. It's hard to tell, but the walls are sort of wood-panelly and painted brighty, shiny, shiny white. The plan is that they will soon be blue.

This photo is of Pete's feet the night before we moved. For our last night as residents of Evanston we thought we should have dinner at Dave's Italian Kitchen, which we're already missing. When we got half way to the car Pete realized that he was still wearing his slippers. I convinced him that if he wore them people might think they were fancy European clogs. He did wear them, but I'm not sure the craze caught on.


Anonymous said...

oh oh...better start looking to buy that long-term care insurance now. I think the rates are cheaper if you buy when you are young!

Carrie and Rob said...

Yeah, i'm pretty sure it didn't catch on...


amber c. said...

hil-ariious. you need to knit that boy some real slippers!