Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flora and Fauna

We have been practicing with the new camera today. We have a few shots from when it was still wet from the rain this morning, and several more from after Wiggleworms, when the sun came out. Henry is busy trying to catch an ant, so I'm taking the time to try to upload several of the images. The new camera is a Canon PowerShot A540. (Henry has just captured the ant and brought it over to me, all pinched between his little fingers "bug!")
Here is the first picture from the morning. It was an attempt at catching the little baby bunny who's been nibbling about in our yard. This is a super zoom of him in action, fleeing the scene.

This is the part of the yard by the back fence that I worked on yesterday. The first picture shows how it looked before, and the photo on the right is of the transplanted hostas and the wildflowers. I'm not sure what the deal is with the bricks back there...

Here is my rain-dappled gingko.

And the pretty yellow Asiatic lillies.

Okay...I"m having problems with I'm just going to throw the rest of the pictures up later. Maybe I"ll let you write the captions...

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