Friday, June 02, 2006

Roses and Boots

Our first rose has bloomed in the backyard! It's a lovely pale, pale yellow. More of a cream, really. It's not from either of the bushes I planted, but rather from a renegade rose that I didn't even know was there...
Our bushes out front are starting to put out some tiny little pink roses too. I'm sad to think of how much we need to prune them. Pete gets a little annoyed every time we pull a car in and we have to scrape past the thorny branches.
Henry and I got a package from Grammie today. It contained some birthday presents for me (thanks, Mom!) and these great boots for Henry. She was certain he needed some galloshes. Now I need some so we can stomp puddles together. Henry was delighted to try them on right away, and did not complain at all when we put them back on to show Papa. What a shoe hound my little boy is!
We end today with a shot of Henry coming in for a kiss....

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