Saturday, June 17, 2006

(Friday and) Saturday in the Park

With the hot weather we've been trying to get all of our outdoor time in in the early morning. Yesterday Henry and I took a walk to find some ducks to feed. I know it's not supposed to be the healthiest thing for the ducks, but it's an experience children just need to have. We found a couple little ducks swimming up the North Branch of the West Fork of the Chicago River...(or whatever this creek is that runs through town). Earlier in the season they had had some ducklings, but they must all be gone by now.
Henry was more interested in eating the bread himself.

This morning we spent some time on the playground equipment. It was fun to have it all to ourselves, being that it was only 7:30 AM. Well, the park clean-up guy was there with his leaf-blower for a while, but he was very apologetic and didn't stick around too long.
Franklin did not enjoy being tethered to the park bench while the rest of us played.

Henry is very much into the slides. Do you think my boy wants to stick around on the nice "toddler" equipment, though? No no. He likes the big, tall, scary equipment with the slide that makes Mom and Papa a little nervous...

We had fun on the in-between-sized slide.

Henry likes to ride side-car on the motorcycle.

Teeter-tottering is very serious business.

1 comment:

amber c. said...

what are those snazzy blue sandals?