Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Busy times at the Children's museum

Henry was very indulgent at the Children's museum this morning. He let me visit all of my favorite spots and let me take lots of photos too!
We seem to discover something new in the Japan exhibit each time we're there. I hadn't seen this drum before. Henry found it like a heat-seeking missle.
He loves the Henry-sized sinks.
The pet vet is one of my favorites. We took Franklin to the vet last week and when Henry woke up this morning he said he wanted to go to the "Pet Doctor Shop". Here he is using the stethoscope on a kitty's hind leg.
We've been watching the chicks hatch and grow. They seem to mysteriously disappear after they get much larger than this. Henry is very gentle around the chicks. I wish he were so gentle with Franklin.
Henry also wanted to visit the "Baby Shop" this morning. He's very careful about putting the diapers on the babies and feeding and rocking them. I'm glad the baby nursery is usually less crowded. I love to watch him play in there. I also appreciate that they have babies of different colors and with natural anatomy.
I'm hoping all of this imaginative play is leading us up to a good nap. I could use the time for some laundry and computer work....or for a nap myself.....


joyceetta said...

I like to see Henry "trying on" different roles! I don't know if I like Samurai Drummer or Dr. Henri the best. Both VERY cute!!! I want to go to the Children's Museum. It looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

yes, the costumes are definitely the best! is this the kohl's children's museum, or some other place?

Anonymous said...

Do they have examples of both circumcised and uncircimcised penises in the nursery? Henry could pass as an Asian in that costume. He looks very natural. When we visited the Kohl Museum last summer, Autumn really liked the giant noodles that you could control with the buttons.