Friday, May 25, 2007


Pete and I had date night last night, thanks to Liz. For Christmas she had gotten us a gift card to The Chopping Block, plus a night of babysitting. The Chopping Block is a place that does demonstration and hands-on cooking classes. We went for a 'Pacific Rim' hands-on class, which meant we cooked the entire meal and ate it. We shared our cooking table with this couple:
who were young and spunky and had been dating for about three months. We cooked our meal together with them, getting tips from the chefs on how to properly cut certain things and whatnot. Each station had its own stove and fridge. Here are Pete and I in front of our range, with the food almost ready:
Then we all sat down at some big tables and dug in! There were 4 total tables with 2 couples at each table. The recipes were Asian glazed ribs, Thai shrimp with black rice salad and coconut green curry noodles with salmon. SO tasty! I especially loved the ribs. I have never done ribs on my own before, but I think now I'm empowered to give it a shot! Please, invite yourselves over for a grilling party at our house!
Thanks for a great gift Liz!


amber c. said...

this looks like fun times -- and perhaps a business pete and i can start in icia -- with our mega marketing empire.

Anonymous said...

i love the chopping block! i went to a free fondue "class" there once. it was more like a quick cheese and chocolate (not together) fondue demo and we got to eat the results--it was great.
if amber and pete do start such a business in IC, i might just have to rethink my career options!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

That sounds so swank--!! And it looks & sounds like you had a fantastic time. Great Xmas gift you got , thar!