Monday, April 14, 2008

Wet Paint

Here's a sneak peek of Pineapple Soda. First coat, still wet. You probably can't tell in these photos, but it will need a second coat at least in some spots.

Here you can see how it looks next to Song of Summer. They are in the same color family, with Pineapple Soda being about 4 shades darker. I think they'll blend a little bit better than they do in this photo...
I'm especially excited to see how it looks when we put everything back....the blue Le Creuset pot, which is always on the stove because I use it almost every night....the various colorful towels, the yellow and red bread box and my multi-colored mixing bowls.
Joyce asked why yellow instead of red. I was on a red-kitchen kick for a while. I do still love a red kitchen, but I think because of the layout of this house and the way that the room flows into the other areas, yellow was just a better fit. And now I don't have to worry if all of my red kitchen things match the walls! Also...this kitchen gets such dreadful light, red would make it too dark I think. I would really love a skylight in there!


Anonymous said...

wow. are you sure that's not taxi cab yellow? i like the happiness of it, tho!

Anonymous said...

Count me in on the liking it side. I'm all for bright and happy.

ZG said...
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ZG said...

It's been a long Monday and my typing was lacking when I tried to post the first time:

I completely LOVE your Pineapple Soda Kitchen!!!!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

YAY! for colourful homes! YAY! YAY! YAY!
And oo-hoo-gerk to Eighties wallpaper. What were we all thinking?!

sarah90046 said...

I love the yellows. O recently vetoed a red kitchen, but we might still have room to negotiate for a wall... There was also talk of a pink bathroom, but that went down in flames.
Color is a good thing and you look ready for spring.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of lemon meringue pie....