Friday, June 12, 2009

Henry Helps Sofia.

Sofia posted a list of topics that she will be studying this summer. I thought maybe we could save her and her mom a little trouble, and Henry could just answer the questions for her. Here are Sofia's original questions and Henry's answers (in green).

How do clouds , moons, stars, stay up in the sky? Probly they're glued on.
How do plants know to grow out of the dirt not into it? Cause you water it and it comes down and then it makes it come up.
How does the ground know to stay at the bottom of the earth? Cause it's glued on.
How does a dragonfly fly and how fast does he fly? or she? I don't know! As fast as a race car.
Why does a baby want to chew? Cause that's how it figures out stuff.
How do babies sit up, crawl, walk, and sit? Cause they watch you and then they, like imitate you.
How do bumblebees fly around with the pollen? Cause they hold it with their feet.
How many crocodiles live in North Carolina? Twenty.
How do plants grow roots? Cause um, the stems is long and then like makes the earth push up, so it makes roots.
How can you walk on clouds? I don't know!
How many knock knock jokes can we learn this summer? Twenty.
How do babies know how to play? Cause you teach them how.
How many ants live in an anthill? Two hundred. Actually, five hundred.
How does the clicker turn the tv on and off? Cause it has electrictiy flies through the air and flies into the t.v.
Why do frogs croak? To hear so girl frogs can hear and come.
How do cameras take pictures when you push the button? Cause on the machine it makes it like turn it because the electricity helps it.
What is the highest ground in North Carolina? The hills. Actually, the mountains.
Will I ride a bike without training wheels? No!
How do fish know how to swim? Cause they wiggle their tails.
What bird is the largest in the world? Maybe vultures? Yeah.


Joyce said...

Well, that about does it. Sophia, you can take the summer off!

Sarah said...


W.F. Decker said...

Great answers except that the word "like" is already creeping into his regular usage--"like" three times that I saw. I know, this is just a grumpy grandpa comment, but maybe mom and dad can help watch for that and stamp it out.

Your well-meaning friend, girrhop

Beehave said...

Thank you for answering the questions. One correction from Sofia "bees do not carry pollen on their feet, they carry it on the basket on their legs". She's been reading up.

I'm with Professor Decker - stop the "likes" now or by middle school it will like be ever present.
