Monday, June 01, 2009

Every Day?

Well, the Dr.'s Samantha, Carrie and Sarah seem to have pledged to blog every day for the month of June. I'm going to see if I can keep up with them.
Though I'm not sure what I'll write about.
There was a confirmed case of H1N1 in my classroom, and another suspected case. But that's about all there is to say about that.
And there's Henry's new "drink recipe". I typed as quickly as I could:
"Mom I made a really good drink recipe. And you need ice cream and chocolate and you need ice cream and that thick chocolate and you take some ice cream and put it in a bowl and put some chocolate in and mix it up, beat it up, and then you need some cups and you need a straw to drink it! It's called the chocolate ice cream recipe."
And there was Dad's birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday Dad!
But I know what you all really come here for is the pictures.
Here is a selection from porch time yesterday. We finally got the porch all cleaned up for the season. Now if we can only keep it nice...

Clara loves the slide!!

And here's the little daredevil doing her wagon trick, despite many admonishments to sit down.

Okay...I would say wish me luck with this every day challenge....but I'm just going to go ahead and give myself a little slack. I've put a lot onto my plate. So check in, but forgive me if I falter.


Beehave said...

Great Start! Sofia and I were discussing Henry's bike. She wants to know if he can pop a wheelie. I want to know if he is afraid of falling when he does not have training wheels. Does it hurt when he falls? Does he fall a lot?

amber c. said...

I love the wagon surfing. That girl rocks. We've done a blog post every day for over 150 days. You can do it. And if not, I forgive you.

sarah90046 said...

good luck!
(and re: Amber's comment...holy cow! 150 days! Sheesh, I am going to pretend like I never read that)