Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Mostly in this video you can hear Pete on the phone making plans with the Kohlers, and you can hear me sneezing... But the first couple seconds, before Clara realized I was filming her, are pretty cute. You can see how she "talks" on the phone. She sometimes rocks back and forth and she usually just says her words "Book. Book. Mama. Hi. Book. Talk." and sometimes "dadadada lalala dadadada" in a sing-songy voice. She also likes to talk on her play keys in the car. I guess the remote-entry part of the play keys does kind of look like a phone.

Right now she's busy taking all of the crayons and markers out of the Curious George lunchbox, and puting them back in, and taking them out...

1 comment:

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Way cute!
You three friends and your young 'uns are making me want more babies, I tell you! hee! hee!

I remember the first time one of the boys did the "dadadada lalala dadadada" thing, imitating us on the phone. The funniest part was how even he thought it was funny.